Some Islamic Scholars believe that eating lobsters is Halal because Allah permits Muslims to eat all fish in the sea. Since Allah is not forgetful, the word fish is used generally in this instance and we should take it as such. On the other, some scholars believe that eating a lobster is Haram because lobsters belong to the Crustacean group.
Islam declares all sea game halal, but lobsters are among the few controversial halal kinds of seafood including crabs, snails, and sharks. In this article, we will discuss what the scholars say about lobsters being Haram or Halal and why it is considered so.
Table of Contents:
1- Are Lobsters Halal or Haram?
2- Difference between Lobsters and Other Fishes
3- Why do Some Muslims Consider Lobsters Haram?
4- Why are Lobsters Considered Halal?
5- Is It Haram to Boil a Lobster Alive?
Are Lobsters Halal or Haram?
There’s also a difference in opinion among scholars of different schools of thought. According to Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbalis schools of thought, all shellfish are permitted. Whereas, the Hanafi school of thought considers all types of shellfish makruh (detestable) (source).
Difference between Lobsters and Other Fishes
For many people, Lobsters are fishes, but Lobsters belong to the family of shellfish. Shellfish, as the name indicates, is a sea animal that dwells in water and has a shell of a hard shell-like exterior.
It can be divided into two categories, crustaceans and mollusks. Lobsters belong to the crustaceans category along with shrimp, crayfish, and crabs.
Why do Some Muslims Consider Lobsters Haram?
Lobsters are declared Haram by a majority of scholars because they are not classified as fish. Mufti Ebrahim Desai says mentions in one of his fatwas that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
Two carions are made Halaal for us; Fish and locust.
– Mishkaat vol.2 pg.361 (source)
He further says that fishes are vertebrates while lobsters belong to the Crustacean group. Hence eating fish is allowed for Muslims but crabs and lobsters are not.
In another fatwa, Mohammed Tosir Miah of Darul Ifta Birmingham says that the difference comes from whether lobsters are fish. The Arabic language considers prawns to be like fish. Whereas, contemporary zoologists classify them separately because they do not have a spine (source).
Why are Lobsters Considered Halal?
Most Islamic scholars say that lobsters are halal to consume, including Sheikh Ahmad Kutty in his fatwa (source). He based his fatwa on two factors:
- All types of fish are permissible for Muslims to eat.
- In the hadiths, the word fish is used generally and should be taken as such.
Is It Haram to Boil a Lobster Alive?
Humans have been boiling lobsters alive for thousands of years. However, as Muslims, we often ask ourselves whether the practice is cruel and Haram. Islam tells Muslims to treat all living things kindly. We even opt for the least painful way to slaughter animals for food.
It is believed by some Islamic scholars that, since lobsters don’t feel pain, boiling a lobster alive is considered halal to eat. While other Shaykh’s such as Yasir Qadhi claims that research shows that Muslim scholars are opposed on this issue. (source)
This is because it is argued that lobsters do not have blood and die withing minutes. However, to boil a lobster with no intention of eating is definitely Haram.
Sheikh Hatem Al-Haj, in one of his videos, raised the point about boiling lobsters alive. He says that Islam tells Muslims to treat everyone kindly and boiling a creature alive definitely seems inhumane.
He also raises the point that some scientists believe that lobsters do not feel pain, which means that it’s okay to boil them. He says that if indeed the lobsters do not feel pain then it may be permissible to boil them and if they do feel pain, then it is not.
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